Monday, January 11, 2010

Deep Thoughts from a Shallow Mind (Aloft)

Alright, so here's a bit of background about muaaa:

I am 28 years old, originally from Colorado, went to college in Wyoming (go Pokes!) where I studied pre-law, majors in history and political science-- graduating with my BA in 2007. Started flying fixed wing as a civilian when I was 21, and made super-slow progress on my private license for several years. During college I worked at a tiny FBO (fixed based operator) in Cheyenne, Wyoming fueling airplanes and doing general airfield maintenance. In December of 2007, I was selected by the Army as a Warrant Officer Candidate, and shipped off 23 January 2008 to chilly Ft. Jackson, South Carolina for Basic Combat Training. After BCT, I was off to the lovely land of LA (Lower Alabama), and Ft. Rucker, home of the only Army Warrant Officer producing school in the nation.

I graduated WOCS 6 June, 2008 as a shiny new WO1. Shortly thereafter I completed SERE-C, BOLC-I-A, and HOST (dunker) training and (finally) began Primary or Initial Entry Rotary Wing training in February of 2009. I completed Primary somewhere around July, and initially selected the OH-58D as my advanced airframe. Lots and lots of soul-searching later, I decided to persue an airframe switch to the UH-60, and was sucessful!

I started the Hawk course back in November of 2010, and flew the 60 for the first time on Monday, January 4th. The second day we flew, I came down with a very nasty cold... which grounded me and subsequently got me pulled out of training. As I write this, I'm offiically on quarters for the 6th day. Trying to find the good in any situation is something I've been striving to do more often-- and therefore, I decided to take this enforced down-time as an opportunity to start this blog. Several of my friends have been bugging me since I got here to document the day-to-day events of this journey... so here it is!

Update 7 FEB 2011:

Well, its been a little over a year since this first post. I ended up being sick for about 6 weeks, and was dropped into a fabulous UH-60 class 10-20. On 13 May of 2010, I graduated with a wonderful class, and began my career as an Army Aviator.

I'm currently an RL1 D/N/NVG PI stationed on K-16 (Seoul Air Base) in Seoul, South Korea. For those non-mil peeps reading this-- that essentially means that I'm now a Black Hawk pilot-- and am charged with being as safe as I can be without being in charge of the aircraft ... but we'll get into that a bit more as the blog goes on...

I had every intention of making this blog about my journey through flight school-- but found myself continually unable to find either the time or the words to write. If you're cursed enough to know me personally, you'll know that I'm seldom at a loss for words-- so this is probably at least a tad humorous... but for some reason every time I sat down to write, Id get computer OCD-- or freak out and decide I needed to be doing something else... Hmm.. damned army! :P

 ALOT has happened since then, my life was turned upside-down in a few ways, a few different times-- and in retrospect, I don't know exactly how I made it through. I think its safe to say that the combination of amazing, supportive family and friends-- having my dream job, and a very understanding man upstairs somehow helped me to stay afloat.

The continuation, and indeed, consistency of this blog is my new years/birthday resolution and gift to myself. I've been a writer since a young age, and I feel like for the first time in my life-- I may have some interesting and more relevent opinions about a plethora of things. :)

This blog is not only for me, but for my family, friends, and aviation enthusiast friends who have been harassing ( :) ) me to start a blog detailing my experiences. Some of the entries will be out of order-- some will be quick, some way too long. Some are entries or letters I've already written-- about flight school or civilian flying but never polished enough to post. Not all will be about flying,  some will be about politics, the military, Korea, the US, none will be politically correct... some will just put you to sleep. However, I welcome and look forward to any challenges, opinions, criticisms, spelling corrections, or just "I effing hate your blog" comments. So please, use that critique button at the end if you see fit! :)

Its my blog, I can write what I want to.. Thanks for reading!

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